阅读理解。 Tom and David were in the same class. They lived a little far from their school. David had a bike, but Tom didn't. He had to get up early in the m-七年级英语

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     Tom and David were in the same class. They lived a little far from their school. David had a bike, but Tom
didn't. He had to get up early in the morning. After breakfast he went to the bus stop quickly to wait for the bus.Tom asked his father to buy him a bike, his father said "Well, I can buy a bike for you next term."
      Tom was happy, but he must learn to ride. He helped his mother with the washing and cleaning on Saturday. After lunch,he went to David's home. Mrs. White opened the door, "Can David come out and play with me?"
asked the boy, "Sorry, but he is sleeping now." answered his mother, "Then can his bike come out to play.
"Tom asked hopefully.
1. David and Tom _______.
A. classmates.
B. pen friends
C. teachers
D. in different classes
2. The school is _____ home
A. far away from Tom's
B. is near Tom's
C. across from David's
D. next to David's
3. David went to school____.
A. on foot
B. By bus
C. By car
D. by bike
4. Tom helped his mother ____on Saturday.
A. do homework
B. do some housework
C. read books
D. buy food in the market
5. Tom wanted to borrow(借) David's_____
A. books
B. bike
C. pens
D. English dictionary
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: AADBB

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