阅读理解。 Tom's father is a worker, his mother is out of work, and she have nothing (没有) to do, so they don't have much money (钱). Today is Sunday; Tom g-七年级英语

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     Tom's father is a worker, his mother is out of work, and she have nothing (没有) to do, so they don't have much money (钱). Today is Sunday; Tom goes shopping with his mother. They go into a Low-price
supermarket, they meet many people there. Tom finds many things are very expensive. Tom's mother buys a
pair of gloves for her husband (丈夫), he has to ride (骑) a bike to work every day. They buy a pair of shoes
for Tom's sister, too; she has to go to school on foot. Tom wants to buy a pair of running shoes, they are
eighty Yuan, that's too expensive. Tom finds a pair of pants, but they're too long. So he doesn't buy anything.
1. "His mother is out of work" means (意思) _________.
A. she doesn't want to work.
B. she has no work to do.
C. she likes doing nothing.
2. Tom's mother buys ______ for Tom's father.
A. a pair of shoes
B. a pair of pants
C. a pair of gloves
3. Tom's sister gets _______.
A. a pair of shoes
B. a pair of pants
C. a dress
4. What does Tom wants to buy?
A. A pair of pants
B. A pair of running shoes
C. Both A and B
5. "they are too long" means ________
A. They have to wait for a long time.
B. The pants don't fit (适合) Tom well.
C. The pants are short.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: BCACB

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