阅读理解。 Mary is a student in a nurseing school. She is going to graduate (毕业) next month. She has two job offers. One is in a city hospital, the other is-八年级英语

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     Mary is a student in a nurseing school. She is going to graduate (毕业) next month. She has two job offers. One is in a city hospital, the other is in a country hospital.
     The hospital in the city is large, it's a 600-bed hopital. It's a cancer (癌症) hospital. It's in a big city, near
museums and restaurants. The salary (薪水) is high, $17,000 a year. But apantment rents are high,too.
     The hospital in the country is small, it's a 50-bed hospital. It's a general hospital. It's in a beautiful area,
near lakes, rivers and mountains. The salary is average, $14,000 a year. But apartment rents are low.
     Mary likes the city and the country. She doesn't know which to choose.
The hospital in the city The hospital in the country
large 1.______
600-bed 2.______
Near museums and restaurants Near lakes, rivers and 3.______
4.______ $14,000
Apartments rents are 5.______ Apartment rents are low
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. small  2. 50-bed  3. mountains  4. $17,000  5. high

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