阅读理解。 Do you like watching TV game shows? Would you like to take part in them? What do you think of them?A popular TV show might have 70, 000, 000 TV vie-七年级英语

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     Do you like watching TV game shows? Would you like to take part in them? What do you think of them?
     A popular TV show might have 70, 000, 000 TV viewer. TV can make anything or anyone well-known
overnight. That's why over l00,000 women and girls,aged 4 ~ 89,took part in Hunan TV' s 2005 "Super Girl"
     "Super Girl" is so close to us. Every woman or girl can take part in it. The viewers can vote (投票) for
their favorite girl on the show through SMS (short message service).
     The young will do anything to have a show on TV. For the show, many girls stop their classes."They
hope they can become super stars some day. But the real way to success is to learn more and work harder,"
said Liu Ming, a professor of a university.
1. This article is probably from _______.
A. a storybook
B. a textbook
C. a newspaper
D. a novel
2. People are interested in a TV game show because _______.
A. it can make a person world-famous overnight
B. it can make people get lots of knowledge
C. people have nothing else to do
D. everyone wants to be the host of the show
3. What's the meaning of the underlined word "viewers" in Chinese? It means "_______".
A. 参与者
B. 观众
C. 演员
D. 歌手
4. The oldest singer in "Super Girl" is _______ years old.
A. ninety-eight
B. seventy
C. four
D. eighty-nine
5. Why do many girls take part in the show?
A. Because they don't like to go to school.
B. Because the subjects in school are so boring.
C. Because they want to be super stars.
D. Because they want to make money·
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5       CABDC

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