根据课文内容选择正确答案1. Why does God say that all the people must die?A. God thinks there are too many people in the world.B. God thinks Adam and Eve hav-九年级英语

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1. Why does God say that all the people must die?
A. God thinks there are too many people in the world.
B. God thinks Adam and Eve have too many daughters and sons.
C. God thinks Adam and Even are bad people.
D. God thinks there are too many bad people.
2. How long does Noah floats in the Great Flood with his family?
A. For a hundred days.    
B. For fifty days.
C. For a hundred and fifty days.
D. For one day.
3. What does Noah do after the rain stops?
A. He goes out of his ship.  
B. He makes a large wooden ship.
C. He goes to the land with his family.
D. He lets a dove out of his ship.
4. What does the dove bring back in the evening?
A. It brings back some food. 
B. It brings back some clothes.
C. It brings back a piece of wood.
D. It brings back a green olive branch.
5. What do the olive and the olive branch mean?
A. They mean food.  
B. They mean clothes.
C. They mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life.
D. They mean good life.A. They mean food.   B. They mean clothes.
  C. They mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life.
  D. They mean good life.

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 D C D D C

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