阅读理解。 "You are welcome to have dinner with me on Sunday," said John. "But I don't know where your house is." said Henry. "It's easy. You get off -八年级英语

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     "You are welcome to have dinner with me on Sunday," said John. "But I don't know where your
house is." said Henry.
     "It's easy. You get off the bus. Then you cross the road. You take the first road on the left. You
walk for five minutes. Then you come to a big tree. You take the second on the right after the tree.
About one hundred meters down this road there is a big red house. You go past the big house, and
after about hundred meters, you'll see a small yellow house beside a little tree. Open the door with
your foot."
     "With my foot?" said Henry.
     "Why yes," said John, "well, you won't come to my house with empty hands, will you?"
1. From the story we know that John asked Henry _____.
A. to go to the cinema
B. to have supper with Jim
C. to go to the bus stop
2. "You take the first on the left" means _____.
A. go ahead on the left
B. take the first bus on the left
C. take the first road on the left.
3. How far is it from the big tree to the big red house?
A. about one hundred meters away.
B. five minutes' walk.
C. about five hundreds feet
4. Where was John's house? It was _____.
A. on the right after the big house
B. a small yellow house
C. beside a little tree.
5. Why did John asked Henry to open the door with his foot? Because Henry _____.
A. had no hands
B. was afraid to open with his hands
C. would carry a lot of things in his hands.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5: BCACC

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