阅读理解。 Lots of people like diving into water, because they can explore the underwater world. But there is nother kind of diving. Some people dive into the -九年级英语

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     Lots of people like diving into water, because they can explore the underwater world. But there is not
her kind of diving. Some people dive into the sky! This is really a very exciting sport. A skydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the r)lane and floats in the air with the help of a parachute(降落伞). A parachute is like a huge umbrella. It is put on the back of the skydiver. When the skydiver reaches a certain height, he will pull a string and the parachute will open up in seconds and carry him gently down
to the ground. Skydivers like doing a lot of fascinate tricks in the air. After jumping off the plane one after
another, they will try to stay in the air and hold each other's hands. They can form different shapes.
     Is it safe to do skydiving?Yes, as long as we receive right training.But sometimes, accidents do happen. In Canada, two skydivers were killed in 1991 when they jumped off the plane. Because their parachutes
got tied up with each other, the parachutes couldn't open up and both crashed down and died.
1. Why do people like diving into water?
2. How does a skydiver go up into the sky?
3. What does a parachute look like?
4. Where does a skydiver put his parachute?
5. Why were two skydivers killed in Canada?
6. What do you think of skydiving?
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. Because they can explore the underwater world.
2. By plane.
3. It looks like a huge umbrella.
4. On the back.
5. They couldn't open up their parachutes because their parachutes got tied up with each other.
6. It's exciting/interesting/dangerous .

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