阅读理解。 Many people are interested in traveling. Here are three of the greatest benefits (益处) of traveling abroad. 1. Expands (扩大) your view of yoursel-九年级英语

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     Many people are interested in traveling. Here are three of the greatest benefits (益处) of traveling
     1. Expands (扩大) your view of yourself and the world
     Traveling opens your eyes to the world. Traveling increases your knowledge. Different cultures have
different ideas of the world. This is expressed (表达)i n their food,t heir clothes, their homes and so many of the other details of their lives, Traveling to a new country makes you face a lot of new things. (A) It
also helps you to see that people in other countries that look and sound different are real
     2. Allows you to relax
     Our normal lives are filled with pressure at times. Pressure is bad for our health.A good trip abroad
helps us collect our thoughts and relax. We can see some more positive things and forget our problems
at least for a while. This often gives us the chance to clear our minds.
     3. Provides you with greater creativity (创造力)
     Getting out. f our old rules gives us the opportunity to use our minds in new ways. We get confidence (自信) by facing the small challenges during the traveling. This cheers us up! It makes us feel more alive
and better able to deal with whatever life throws at us next.
     (B) Being in new places gives us the chance to exercise our creativity. It opens up our minds to see
new solutions.
1. What can tell you that different cultures have different views of the world?
2. How do we get confidence during the traveling?
3. (A)_______________________________________________________________
4. (B)_______________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. Their food,their clothes, their homes and so many of the other details of their lives.
2. By facing the small challenges.
3. 它也帮助你看到不同外表不同语言的外国人真的存在。
4. 处在新的环境中(地方),提供给我们锻炼创造力的机会。
5. Three of the Greatest Benefits of Traveling Abroad

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