阅读理解Dear Mom, I need some things for school. Can you bring them to my school?I need a notebook, two pencils, aneraser and ruler. I need my CDs and video t-七年级英语

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Dear Mom,
     I need some things for school. Can you bring them to my school?  I need a notebook, two pencils, an
eraser and ruler. I need my CDs and video tape, too. The CDs are on the desk and the video tape is in
the bookcase.
Dear Jane,
     Your brother needs some things for school. They're in the red bag. He needs his CDs and video tape,
too. The CDs are on the desk. The video tape in the drawer of his bed. It isn't in the bookcase. Please
take them to his schooL
1. Jane is Jim's ______.                                                                                                                   
A. cousin                
B. daughter                    
C. sister
2. Jim needs ______.
A. a notebook and a red bag
B. an eraser, a ruler and a bag
C. two pencils and an eraser
3. _________are mentioned(提到) in the notes.              
A. Two boys              
B. A boy and a girl            
C. Two girls
4. ______takes the things to school.

A. Jane                
B. Jim                        
C. Jane's friend

5. The video tape is_______.
A. on the desk          
B. in the bookcase              
C. in the drawer
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 C C B A C

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解Dear Mom, I need some things for school. Can you br..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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