阅读理解。 In England people don't usually talk too much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Oftenthey read. Th-七年级英语

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     In England people don't usually talk too much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits
looking out of the window. Often  they read. They read books and papers.  But they don't talk much.    
When  you  meet  English  people,  they often  talk about one thing,  the weather.  So when you meet
somebody in England,  you  can  say,  "Nice weather  for the time of  year "   "But it was a little cold
yesterday, " some-body may answer.    "But it got a bit warmer later!" you can say.    Talk like this,
and the English will think,"How friendly you are!"
1. English people often____ on a bus.  
A. talk much    
B. sleep  
C. eat something    
D. read papers
2. When you meet English people, talk like    "  _________  "    
A. How do you do?    
B. How are you?    
C. Nice weather!    
D. Nice to meet you.
3.1f you talk with the English people about the  weather, they will think__________.  
A. you are friendly  
B. you are right  
C. you are English  
D. you talk too much
4. English people always hope the weather will  get__________.  
5. Which sentence is right?    
A. English people like to talk on a bus.    
B. English people don't enjoy the best weather.    
C. English people are the most friendly(最友好 的).    
D. English people don't talk much.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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