阅读理解。 Mr. Jenkins lived in the country, and one day he wanted to go to an office in the city. He found the address, got into his car and drove to the city-八年级英语

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     Mr. Jenkins lived in the country, and one day he wanted to go to an office in the city. He found the
address, got into his car and drove to the city. He drove straight to the office without any trouble and
stopped his car in front of the office. He locked (锁)his car and wanted to go into the office, but suddenly he turned around and went back to his car. He phoned his wife and said, “Excuse me, I’ve locked my
keys in my car. Please bring me your keys.”
     Mrs. Jenkins got into their other car and drove 20 minutes to help him. But while Mr. Jenkins was
waiting for his wife, he walked around his car and tried the other door. It was not locked! He locked it
quickly before his wife arrived.
1. Where did Mr. Jenkins want to go one day?
A. To the country.                    
B. To an office in the city.
C. To his friend’s house              
D. To a post office in the city
2. He phoned his wife because_______.
A. he didn’t have the keys and couldn’t lock his car.
B. he had left his keys at home.
C. something was wrong with his car
D. he had locked his keys in his car
3. Which of the following sentences is right?
A. Mr. Jenkins and Mrs. Jenkins had only one car.
B. Mrs. Jenkins was too busy to help her husband.
C. He found the other door of his car wasn’t locked while he was waiting for his wife.
D. Finally his wife did not bring the keys to him.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-3 BDC

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