任务型阅读。 Many North Americans love sport. This does not necessarily mean that they get any exercise . What they do is watch national teams on television. -八年级英语

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     Many North Americans love sport. This does not necessarily mean that they get any exercise . What
they do is watch national teams on television. They watch baseball, football , basketball, hockey, golf and
tennis-which means that for most of the weekends they sit in front of the television.(4)they  are  watch  
with them.  their friends  If  friendly
     Baseball is the great American sport and every team has fans. Nearly every big city has a team , and
as each team plays. 162 games a year, following baseball can take up a lot of time. The playing season
begins in spring and finishes in the fall World series, when the two leading teams play each other. The first
to win four games wins the Serries. Although called the World Series, Canada is the only other country to
take part in it.
     Football ,played in the fall and winter , is also very popular. It is not at all like the game called soccer.
There isn’t much kicking in American football, which has more to do with running with the ball and
knocking people down. Each team only plays 16 games during the season, and these take place on
Sundays and Monday evenings . (5)Half the country watches the final game on a Sunday , in
     When there are no good games on television , Americans watch college sports. Many colleges feel
that if they want their former students to give money to their old schools, they need a winning football
team. To our surprise , this seems to be true.
Answer the following questions according to passage.
1. When do Americana and their friends sit to watch games on TV?
2. How many countries are there in the World Series?
3. Why are college teams important for colleges in America ?
4. 连词成句
5. 句子翻译
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. On most of the weekeeds
2. There are two .
3.Because many colleges want their former students to give money to their old schools.
4.If they are friendly , their friends  watch with them
5. 在一月份的一个星期天,全国有一半的人在看决赛

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