完形填空。 Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was ____1____ in 1847. When he was a child, he liked to ____2____ out how things worked. He was i-九年级英语

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     Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was ____1____ in
1847. When he was a child, he liked to ____2____ out how things worked.
He was in school ____3____ only three months. He asked his teacher a lot
of strange questions. Most of them had nothing ____4____ his lessons. The
teacher thought the boy was not bright. So Edison’s mothertook her son
____5____ of school. As she had been a teacher, she taught his ____6____.
The boy read a ____7____. Soon he became very____8____ in science. At
the age of ten, Edison had already ____9____ a chemistry lab for himself.
When he grew into a young man, he __ 10     many important things for man.
All these things have changed the whole world. Can you name some of his
(     )1.  A. taken
(     )2.  A. look
(     )3.  A. for
(     )4.  A. about
(     )5.  A. into
(     )6.  A. myself
(     )7.  A. lot
(     )8.  A. glad
(     )9.  A. built
(     )10.A. taken
B. born
B. speak
B. in
B. on
B. at
B. yourself
B. little
B. angry
B. made
B. invented
C. killed
C. find
C. at
C. with
C. front
C. herself
C. few
C. excited
C. produced
C. made
D. caught
D. watch
D. on
D. in
D. out
D. himself
D. many
D. interested
D. grown
D. planted
题型:完形填空  难度:中档



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