阅读理解。 Look at the girl in the picture. She is an English pop singer(流行歌手). Her name is Connie Talbot. She is only 11. But she could sing Over the Ra-七年级英语

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      Look at the girl in the picture. She is an English pop singer(流行歌手). Her
name is Connie Talbot. She is only 11. But she could sing Over the Rainbow well
on TV at six. Her grandmother likes her very much and often asks her to sing for
     Connie’s grandmother is not healthy. But for her, it is a relaxing thing to hear
Connie sing. “She sings really well,” her grandmother says.
     Connie is good at English. She does well at school. She likes French fries very
much and often eats them at home. She doesn’t like ice cream or hamburgers. Connie
is a star now. But her mother only wants her daughter to be healthy.
1. Connie’s _______ often asks her to sing.
A. daughter
B. mother
C. grandmother
2. Connie likes to eat _______ at home.
A. French fries          
B. hamburgers
C. ice cream
3. We can know that Connie _______.
A. knows some French
B. learns English well
C. doesn’t like English
4. Connie’s mother wants her to be _______.
A. healthy            
B. busy
C. famous(出名)
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4 CABA

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