阅读理解。 Mr. Hunt was born in a small mountain village. He lived a hard life (生活) when he was young. He couldn't go to school and had to help his parents-八年级英语

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      Mr. Hunt was born in a small mountain village. He lived a hard life (生活) when he was young.
He couldn't go to school and had to help his parents on the farm. There was a river near it and he
often swam in it. So he was strong and healthy. Later on he became a soldier and did very well.
So he was an officer (军官) and had much money. He lived in a city. There he had his big house and
a beautiful garden in it. But there was no river near his house and he couldn't swim. So he built some
swimming pools (池子) near the garden.
     It was a fine day and Mr. Hunt asked his friends to dinner. After that he asked them to visit his
three swimming pools. One of his friend asked, "What did you build these pools for?"
      "That's easy," the man said with a smile. "I'll fill (使……充满) the first one with cold water, so
I can swim in summer. I'll fill the second one with warm water, so I can swim in winter."
      "I see," said his friend. "But the third one is empty (空的). What did you build it for?"
      "Some of my family can't swim, you know."
1. Mr. Hunt c_____ from a small village.
2. Mr. Hunt's parents had no m_____ ,so the boy couldn't go to school.
3. Mr. Hunt got much money a_____ he became an officer.
4. Mr. Hunt's favourite sport was swimming, so he built t_____ swimming pools.
5. According to Mr. Hunt, the third pool was useful (有用的) to his f_____.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. came  2. money 3. after  4. three  5. family

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