阅读理解 Twoverygoodfishermenwentfishing.Afterashorttime.bothwerecatchingalotoffishandmanypeoplecametowatchthem.Oneofthefishermenwasoutgoingandtalkedpleasantl-九年级英语
阅读理解 |
Two very good fishermen went fishing. After a short time. both were catching a lot of fish and many people came to watch them. One of the fishermen was outgoing and talked pleasantly with the people around him. The other was silent. The people asked the outgoing fisherman to teach them how to fish. He agreed but asked these people to give him one fish for every ten they caught. If they caught less than lo fish, they wouldn't have to give him any fish. So the fisherman started to teach everyone how to fish. He spent the whole day teaching them and got back a full basket of fish. He also made friends with the people he taught to fish. The other fisherman was lonely. Nobody was watching him. At the end of the day, his fish were far fewer than his friend's. If we help others succeed, we harvest both success and friends. |
根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 |
1. Why did many people come to watch the two fishermen? |
2. Which fisherman agreed to teach these people how to fish? |
3. What would the people do if they caught ten fish? |
4. Did the silent fisherman have fewer fish than his friend at the end of the day? |
5. What do you learn from the story? |
1. Because they caught a lot of fish after a short time. 2. The outgoing fisherman. 3. They would give the outgoing fisherman one fish for every ten. 4. Yes, he did. 5. If we help others succeed, we harvest both success and friends. |
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上一篇:完形填空 Mr and Mrs Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They _ 1_ their car outsideand went in. Mr Moore had never got drunk before, s-九年级英语
下一篇:阅读理解。 A giant (巨人) lived in a great castle (城堡). Each of its hundred doors was guarded by a huge dog. The giant hated the King because the King was ri-八年级英语
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