完形填空。 Even your worst enemies (敌人) could be your best friends. This was1 about my best friend in 5th and 6th grade.We started school in Bedford when our-九年级英语
完形填空。 |
Even your worst enemies (敌人) could be your best friends. This was 1 about my best friend in 5th and 6th grade. We started school in Bedford when our families moved there. We shared interests and did things together. In the last year, however, we looked down upon each other and rarely (很少) talked except to say terrible things. I 2 her for a long time. My family moved from Massachusetts to Kansas a month ago. To my 3 , she gave me a teddy bear as a farewell present. She'd designed it herself and 4 made a scarf for it. She also wrote a card that said: Hey Frances, Wow ... you were my best 5 for two amazing years. But now you're 6 hundreds of miles away. I am going to miss you! There are many things I regret doing to you. And now that I want to say 7 to you, I have to make it fit into one little 8 . Fifth grade was a trip. We two new girls became friends immediately. Sixth grade was 9 , even though the path was hard. In 7th grade we made new friends. We wouldn't even say "hi". Was it my fault (错误) that we fought? I feel sorry and I don't know 10 . You won't be here next week so we can't go to the movies or the mall one last time. Now that you've done reading my sloppy card ... bye. Hope you can forgive (原谅) me. Sincerely. Love always, Michelle This card made me cry for the first time during the move. It made me 11 that moving keeps you away from people you care about. I also realized that I cared for Michelle more than I thought. If we try to forgive and 12 , life will be easier and happier. |
( )1. A. fine ( )2. A. expected ( )3. A. joy ( )4. A. ever ( )5. A. friend ( )6. A. walking ( )7. A. goodbye ( )8. A. present ( )9. A. fun ( )10. A. how ( )11. A. realize ( )12. A. help |
B. hard B. refused B. sadness B. never B. girl B. going B. sorry B. bear B. short B. what B. understand B. forget |
C. true C. left C. interest C. even C. teacher C. traveling C. hello C. card C. special C. why C. know C. move |
D. lucky D. hated D. surprise D. just D. neighbor D. moving D. good luck D. scarf D. hurry D. who D. think D. cry |
1-5: C D D C A 6-10: D B C A C 11-12: A B |
据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 Even your worst enemies (敌人) could be your best..”主要考查你对 故事类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
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上一篇:阅读理解。 Last September I decided to fly from my hometown, Phoenix, to visit my sister in Seattle. I wanted to take my dog Rosie with me, so I spoke to my vet-九年级英语
下一篇:通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 On my way into the house, I heard a child's voice from the other side of a small fore-九年级英语
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