阅读理解。Butterflies are common all over the world but the ones in hot countries are usually bigger and more brightlycolored than those in cooler countries, and-九年级英语

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     Butterflies are common all over the world but the ones in hot countries are usually bigger and more brightly
colored than those in cooler countries, and there are more different kinds. Usually the male (雄性) butterfly is
more brightly colored than the female (雌性).The females have bigger and heavier bodies because they carry
the eggs. The gay (艳丽的) colors of the male help to attract the female and the dark colors of the female make
them difficult to be caught by enemies before they have laid their eggs.
     Some butterflies have bright colors on their wings (翅膀) which show when they fly, but when they stop
on a tree or leaf, they close their wings. On their wings there are green and brown marks which look like the
tree or leaves. They are difficult to see. The best example of this is the Dead Leaf Butterfly. When its wings
are closed, it really looks like a dead leaf. There are even marks that look like the holes in a dead leaf. When a
bird is running after a butterfly, and it closes its wings, it seems to have disappeared completely.
     Many butterflies have round marks on their wings that look like eyes. When they are resting, and their wings
are folded, these can't be seen. When a bird sees one, and begins to attack it, the butterfly opens its wings. The
bird thinks that it sees two eyes staring (凝视) at it, and, frightened, it flies away.
1. The male butterflies are usually ______ than the female butterflies.

[     ]

A. heavier
B. bigger
C. more brightly
D. more common
2. When the butterflies stop on a tree or leaf, they ______.

[     ]

A. show their bright colors
B. shake their wings
C. close their wings
D. are sleeping
3. There are green and brown marks which look like the tree or leaves on the butterflies' wings
     in order ______.

[     ]

A. to see themselves
B. not to be found
C. show themselves
D. to be showed
4. When a bird attacks a butterfly, the butterfly may ______.

[     ]

A. opens its wings and frighten the bird
B. fly away at once
C. close its wings
D. Both A and C
5. Which of the following statements is RIGHT?

[     ]

A. The butterflies are the same in the world.
B. Different butterflies likes living in different places.
C. The Dead Leaf Butterfly looks like a dead leaf when it stops.
D. Many butterflies have many eyes.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1.C  2.C  3.B  4.D  5.C

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