完形填空。 Most musicians agree that the best violins (小提琴) were first made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago. These violins sound better than __1__ . -九年级英语

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     Most musicians agree that the best violins (小提琴) were first made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years
  ago. These violins sound better than __1__ . They even sound better than violins made__2__.
     Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments(乐器) __3__ the Italian violins. But they aren't the
  same. Musicians still __4__ the old ones.
     Some people think it is the age of the violins. But not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old
 violins from Cremona are special. So__5__ can not be the answer.
     Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood must be from certain kinds of
 trees. But the kind of wood may not be__6__ important. It may be more important to cut the wood in a
 special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very__7__ . It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest
 __8__ will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the
 Italians. Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood.
     Size and shape may not be the answer, either. Scientists can make new ones that are exactly the
 __9__ size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as nice as the old ones. Some scientists think
  the secret may be the varnish (清漆). Varnish is __10__ covers the wood of the violin. It makes the
 wood look shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. But no one knows what the Italian makers
 used in their varnish.
(     ) 1. A. the other
(     ) 2. A. then     
(     ) 3. A. like     
(     ) 4. A. like     
(     ) 5. A. old     
(     ) 6. A. very     
(     ) 7. A. slowly   
(     ) 8. A. difference
(     ) 9. A. right   
(     ) 10. A. that   
B. another
B. today   
B. as     
B. love   
B. place   
B. so     
B. useful
B. size   
B. correct
B. what                      
C. any other   
C. in old days
C. look       
C. hate       
C. people     
C. such       
C. carefully   
C. shape       
C. same       
C. something                      
D. others        
D. at that time  
D. sound        
D. prefer        
D. age          
D. too          
D. helpful      
D. length        
D. different    
D. nothing                           
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1—5: DBADD 6—10: ACACC

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 Most musicians agree that the best violins (小提琴..”主要考查你对  科教类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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