完形填空。Dear Zhou Jun,Thank you for your letter. It's great to 1 you again. How's your study? I hope you can2all your exams to get into a high school.Whe-九年级英语

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Dear Zhou Jun,
     Thank you for your letter. It's great to   1   you again. How's your study? I hope you can   2   all your
exams to get into a high school.
     When I got your last letter, I was very   3   volunteering (志愿活动) in Ghana. So I had no time to write
back. I just got back home last week. I've got so much to   4   you! It was my first time to be a volunteer.
  5   two months there, teaching in a very poor school. When I arrived, there were only six classes and
three   6  !
     I had my own   7  . There were twenty children in it. I could teach them anything I wanted. They love
me very much. I was so   8   in Ghana. I slept in the same house with some of the children in my class.
That was a (an)   9   experience for me! I'd love to  10  to Ghana in a few months to see them again.
     Well, good luck with your exams!
(     )1. A. hear from  
(     )2. A. fail       
(     )3. A. surprised  
(     )4. A. help       
(     )5. A. spent      
(     )6. A. children   
(     )7. A. letter     
(     )8. A. welcome    
(     )9. A. old        
(     )10. A. run away  
B. worry about    
B. pass          
B. tired         
B. beat          
B. played        
B. students      
B. exam          
B. rich          
B. unlucky       
B. go back       
C. agree with    
C. take      
C. busy      
C. believe   
C. travelled 
C. parents   
C. class     
C. shy       
C. new       
C. ring up   
D. look for              
D. do         
D. angry      
D. tell       
D. drove      
D. teachers   
D. school    
D. sad        
D. boring     
D. fall down  
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-4 A B C D A   6-10 D C A C B

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。Dear Zhou Jun,Thank you for your letter. It's gr..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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