阅读理解。 Do you want to get pocket money or do you want to learn the value of money? Starting your own business is an excellent way to learn skills that will -九年级英语

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     Do you want to get pocket money or do you want to learn the value of money? Starting your own
business is an excellent way to learn skills that will last all your life.
     If you are more business minded, choose what you want to do to make money and then ask your parents
for support (支持). Here are some ways for kids to make money with their own business.
     Housing Cleaning: This is a good job for older children. Practice on your own house first. Then you'll have
some experience.
     Mother's Helper: If you are too young to baby-sit (做保姆), thinking about being a mother's helper. This
means that you look after the kids while their mother gets some work done in another place.
     Plant Watering: If you know of someone going on a trip soon, offer to water their plants for a little money.
You should learn which plants need to be watered every day and which prefer to stay drier.
     Pet sitting: Someone leaving on a trip might also need you to look after their animals. They should show
you where the food is and how much to feed the pets each day. For dogs, you will need to walk them and
spend some time playing with them. And don't forget to let them out or go to the bathroom!
     Toy renting: Do you have lots of old toys that you don't need any more? Rent (出租) them out to families
with children who are tired of their own toys, or to grandparents who have children visiting.
      These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to be friendly with the customers (顾客). Good
1. Which of the following is not mentioned for kids to do?
A. Toy Renting
B. Housing Cleaning
C. Pet Sitting
D. Newspaper spending
2. If someone will leave on a trip, which of the following can't you offer to do?
A. Planting watering
B. TV watching
C. Pet walking
D. Pet feeding
3. If you have lots of toys that you don't need any more, you can ______ to make money.
A. throw them out
B. rent them out
C. sell them to a toy shop
D. lend them to your friends
4. According to the passage, you should be ______ with the customers.
A. pleased
B. strict
C. friendly
D. careful
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4      DBBC

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