完形填空。 I'm in Madrid at the moment, visiting an old friend. It's a lovely city, but I'm having a few problems with 1!At home I usually have a small break-九年级英语

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     I'm in Madrid at the moment, visiting an old friend. It's a lovely city, but I'm having a few problems
with  1 !  
     At home I usually have a small breakfast at seven thircy, then a sandwich  2  lunch at about one o'clock.
That's OK-it's about the game here. But I always  3  at about seven in the evening. Not here! In Madrid people
usually eat at about ten! In London I'm usually  4  by eleven, but here the streets are full every night until a long
time after midnight. My friend says a lot of people go to bed at two or three  o'clock in the morning. I don't
understand. Everybody is up for work at seven or eight o'clock in the. morning. So when do they  5 ?
(     )1. A. meals   
(     )2. A. for     
(     )3. A. have tea
(     )4. A. get up  
(     )5. A. work    
B. the eating times
B. at              
B. have dinner     
B. go to bed       
B. have a meal     
C. the working time
C. on              
C. have a meeting  
C. in bed          
C. sleep           
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5        BABCC

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