
首页 > 教育新闻 > 教育杂谈/2018-03-24 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]

1.字母A[ei ]

读[ei ]:name grade eraser cake same table late

读[a:] :father rather class grass ask fast

读[?]:map bag apple glad hat black catch bank

读[?] :watch wash was want

2.字母B[b i: ]

读[b]:bee bad bed boy by


读[s]:rice price city medicine cent decide cinema

读[k]:cup cap cat car can computer doctor

读[?]:social associate ocean official ancient

4.字母D[d i:]

读[d]:desk dad day die dialogue


读[i:]:these we be even Chinese she he me meter

读[e]:very America melon second together ten pen

读[i?]:zero serious period series


读[f]:Face fat far fan farm

7.字母G[d? i:]

读[d?]:Gender general genetic genuine

读[g]:bag get go gas garden green

8.字母H[ei t?]

读[h]:hand home hi hunting half

读[voiceless] honor hour


读[ai]:hi nine minus Chinese fine wife kite tiger quite

读[i:]:police machine magazine

读[i]:six think picture twin with drink chips


读[d?]:Jelly June joy journalist


读[k]:Kind keen kid keep kick


读[l]:Large let land letter life look


读[m]:moon must make mother move


读[n]:not no nation nature name

读[?]:think thanks thing long strong singer song


读[?u]:go hello home those over phone open so

读[?]:not clock forgot doctor lock doll from sock shop

[?]:love some money glove other Monday month monkey

读[u:]:who do improve move lose canoe

16字母P[p i:]

读[p]:poor park pen pay pad panel panda

17字母Q[j u:]

读[k]:question quick quality quite quiet quit


读[r]:rest read red race rapid radio real rent


读[s]:see sea sad salt set sit

读[?]:sure Russian pleasure

读[z]:is please blouse Chinese Japanese his excuse

20字母T[t i:]

读[t]:tag table test text take term time tend ten

读[?]:station composition patient mention information

读[t?]:picture century temperature future question


读[ju:]:computer excuse student use music usually

读[u:]:ruler true July June pollute rule

读[?]:number plus cup bus much us husband

22字母V[v i:]

读[v]:voice vapor vary very vehicle

23字母W[d ?bj u:]

读[w]:work wall west waste window wide


读[ks]:excuse expect exchange except experience

读[gz]:exact exam example exist exhaust executive


读[j]:yes yacht you young yet

读[ai]:my why sky rhyme

26字母Z[zed/z i:]

读[z]:zero zest zebra