
首页 > 教育新闻 > 教育杂谈/2018-12-07 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]
金融时报的另一句The World Cup in the modern era is a mountain that any generation can climb only once, if it’s very lucky. No country has won two in a row since 1962. 也很值得玩味,将世界杯比作任何一代只能攀登一次的高山,自1962年,没有国家能蝉联世界杯冠军。

win two in a row连续赢两次,连续可以用in a row来表达


2. 美国欧盟关税之战,哈雷举白旗




US president lashes out at planned shift of production facilities to avoid EU tariffs


President Donald Trump accused Harley-Davidson of economic surrender and threatened to “tax them like never before”over the company’s decision to shift US production of EU-bound motorcycles overseas to avoid paying increased EU tariffs.

Trump threatens to “tax”Harley-Davidson over relocation

在另一篇同是FT的报道“Body and Soul, Harley leaves its mark on America”中,

European tariffs provide an unwanted headwind, and the company has responded by saying it would shift more production to facilities in India, Brazil and Thailand.

Harley may not be the last flag-waving American brand to find itself paying a price for its government’s America First trade policies.


Donald Trump reacted angrily to Harley-Davidson’s decision to relocate the production of motorbikes for sale to Europe outside the United Sates.



? Lash out:痛斥 speak to someone or about something very angrily or critically

迁厂 shift production facility overseas/relocate the production outside the United States

哈雷迁厂的行径被特朗普称为economic surrender, flag-waving

加征关税以报复 impose levies on a range of America imports in retaliation for America’s higher duties on steel and aluminum


3. 欧盟举行峰会讨论难民问题

