阅读理解。 Mr King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever since he left school, he had travelled all over the world collecting -八年级英语

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     Mr King lived with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos. Ever since he left school,
he had travelled all over the world collecting animals for his own zoo. He hoped to collect two examples
of every kind of animal on his island. But he was afraid that people would find him someday.
     He wrote books about his travels, and about his animals that he collected. The money from the books
helped to pay for all the food that these animals eat.
     One day, when Mr King was out looking for drinking water, he found oil (石油). He needed money
for his travels and for his zoo, and a little oil would buy enough water for what he needed all his life, but
he know that if he told anybody else about it, it would be the end of his zoo and his life's work.
      So he decided not to tell anyone about what he had found, because oil and water couldn't mix (混合).
1. Mr King travelled all over the world for _____.

[     ]

A. oil
B. water
C. animals
D. money
2. Mr King was afraid that people would find him someday because ______.

[     ]

A. he hadn't got enough money for them
B. that would be the end of his zoo
C. he hadn't got enough water and oil
D. they would buy his animals
3. Mr King used the money from his books to _____.

[     ]

A. get something for himself
B. keep his wild animals
C. tell people he had got many wild animals
D. let people know he lived on an island
4. Mr King had to find water maybe because _____.

[     ]

A. water was expensive at that time
B. he wanted to find oil
C. the water around the island could not be drunk
D. he needed money for his travel
5. In the passage "oil and water couldn't mix" means _____.

[     ]

A. Mr King needed not only water but also oil
B. oil and water were rather difficult to be mixed together.
C. Mr King's animals only need water, not oil
D. if he told others he had found oil, his life's work would be stopped
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D

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