阅读理解。 Harry is a boy of fourteen years old. He's tall and strong. And he ran fastest in his class. So everyonewas very proud of him in his class. A new-九年级英语

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     Harry is a boy of fourteen years old. He's tall and strong. And he ran fastest in his class. So everyone
was very proud of him in his class. A new student came to his class a month ago. His name is Mike. He's
thin and short. But his classmates found that he ran very fast while they were playing football. They wanted to know if Mike could run faster than Harry. Jack, one of Harry,s friends, told Harry about it. Of course, Harry didn't believe it.
     "Why not have a race with him?"said Jack."That's a good idea!"said Harry."Go to tell the unlucky boy. I'll have a race with him tomorrow morning."
     Early the next morning, Harry got ready for the race. He was sure that he could be first. Jack didn't
wake up on time and couldn,t go with him. That evening Jack went to see Harry. They began to talk about the race. Harry's grandma heard them in the next room. She came in and asked,"What,s the result, Harry?"
     "I was the second, Grandma, answered Harry."
     "Congratulations to you!"the old woman said happily."And how was Mike?"
     "He was the last but one."
1. Harry's classmates were proud of him because   ___ .
A. he was tall                      
B. he was the top student in his school
C. he ran fastest in his class          
D. he was strong
2. Harry didn,t believe Jack because   ___ .
A. Jack often made jokes with him
B. Mike was much shorter and thinner than he
C. Mike was new in the class
D. he didn,t know Mike at all
3. Jack didn't go with Harry because   ___ .
A. he woke up too late            
B. he didn't like to see the result
C. he was too tired                
D. he had some homework
4. The phrase "last but one" means   ___ .
A. 第一名          
B. 倒数第二名        
C. 最后一名          
D. 第二名
5. In fact(事实上)   ___ .
A. Harry didn't tell his grandma the truth
B. Mike won the race
C. Harry won the race
D. Harry was very proud of himself, too
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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