阅读理解。 It's half past nine now. Michael is still on the bed. He thinks it's Sunday today. His father works behind the house. His mother cleans the room-七年级英语
阅读理解。 It's half past nine now. Michael is still on the bed. He thinks it's Sunday today. His father works behind the house. His mother cleans the rooms. Little Sandra, his sister, watches their grandma milks the cow (挤奶) under the tree. She asks Michael to take the basin (桶) of milk in the room. The boy hears her, but he doesn't answer. So Sandra comes into his bedroom and says, "Get up, Michael. Grandma wants your help." "Why don't you help her?" asks the boy. "She says I'm too young." Michael gets up. But he finds a math book and reads, "...six times (乘以) six is thirty-six; six times seven is thirty-seven..." His mother is angry (生气) and says, "What are you reading, Michael?" "I don't know." "Aren't you reading?" "Yes. But I'm not listening." 1. Why doesn't Michael go to school? A. Because he isn't a student. B. Because he feels tired. C. Because it's Sunday today. D. Because he waits for his father. 2. How many people are there in Michael's family? A. There're four. C. There're six. B. There're five. D. There're seven. 3. What does Grandma want Michael to do? A. She wants him to help her. B. She wants him to drink the milk. C. She wants him to milk the cow. D. She wants him to do his homework. 4. ______, so he begins to read the book. A. Michael is not good at math B. Michael does not have breakfast C. Michael does not hear his grandma D. Michael does not want to work 5. Michael's mother is angry because ______. A. her son is still on the bed B. her son reads wrongly C. her son only likes playing D. her son does not listen to her |
1-5 CBADB |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 It's half past nine now. Michael is still on th..”主要考查你对 故事类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
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上一篇:阅读理解。根据短文,正确的写T,错误的写F。 Li Ping is a Young Pioneer (少先队员). He goes to the wildlife park (野生动物园). When he waits for a bus at the bus-七年级英语
下一篇:阅读理解。 Hi, I'm Mike. Today is Saturday. My friends Ben, Tom and Jack ask me to go swimming with them. Soon we get to the river (河).They swim in the riv-七年级英语
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