阅读理解The telecom industry(电信业) has become one of the largest and most useful industries in the world. This industry makes billions of dollars every year.-八年级英语

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      The telecom industry  (电信业) has become one of the largest and most useful industries in the world. This industry makes billions of dollars every year. Now the telecom industry is trying to use a new kind of phone-the videophone.
     So what is a videophone? Well,a videophone is just a device  (设备) for communicating. It allows you to communicate with others by video and voice. That's to say, you can both see and hear the person while you are phoning him or her. Many people will ask where to buy a videophone and how expensive it is.
      Many telecom scientists have tried to make a videophone that works well and is also not so expensive,so that everyone can afford it. Through their hard work ,they have made the best videophone-the CAN
Iris 3000. What's more,when you call your friends in other countries,all calls between you are free if you
both have an Iris 3000. Will the videophone be the main telecom device of the future? The ACN Iris 3000 Videophone tells us everything.
1. What is a videophone in Chinese?
A. 移动电话          
B. 固定电话        
C. 可视电话          
D. 网络电话
2. The videophone is different from the traditional phone in that _       .
A. it is very expensive
B. it has a voice and can talk
C. all calls are free if you use a videophone
D. you can both hear and see the person you are talking to
3. Why is the ACN Iris 3000 the best videophone? 
A. It works well.
B. It is not so expensive.
C. Everyone can afford it.
D. All of the above.
4. If you and your friend both have an Iris 3000 and he is in another country,when you call him,you have to pay _        .
A. nothing        
B. 3000 dollars      
C. 3000 yuan      
D. billions of dollars
5. What can we learn from the last sentence of the passage?
A. Everyone will use an Iris 3000 in the future.
B. The ACN Iris 3000 will be the only telecom device.
C. The ACN Iris 3000 can predict everything in the future.
D. The videophone will be the main telecom device of the future.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 C D D A D

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