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10 pieces of classical music everyone should know


By Robert Rowat


Are you the kind of person who appreciates multiple genres of music?


Being familiar with the classics in any genre is a factor in one''s overall cultural awareness. In jazz, there''s Thelonious Monk''s ''Round Midnight.'' In country, Johnny Cash''s ''Ring of Fire.'' In R&B, everyone should know Gladys Knight and the Pips'' ''Midnight Train to Georgia.'' Notorious B.I.G.''s ''Juicy'' is a hip-hop classic; Michael Jackson''s ''Billy Jean'' is one of the greatest pop songs of all time.

熟悉任何体裁的经典作品是一个人整体文化意识的一个因素。在爵士乐中,有Thelonious Monk的《午夜时分》(Round Midnight);乡村音乐有Johnny Cash的《火环》(Ring of Fire);在节奏布鲁斯中,每个人都应该知道Gladys Knight和The Pips的《午夜列车到乔治亚州》(Midnight Train to Georgia);Notorious B.I.G的《Juicy》则是一首嘻哈经典作品;而Michael Jackson的《Billy Jean》是有史以来最伟大的流行歌曲之一。

(译者注:Thelonious Monk,1917-1982,美国爵士乐钢琴家,作曲家。Johnny Cash,1932-2003,美国词曲作家,演员和作家。Gladys Knight&The Pips,节奏布鲁斯/灵歌组合,活跃于1952-1989年间。Notorious B.I.G,原名Christopher Wallace,1972-1997,美国说唱歌手。Michael Jackson,1958-2009,美国歌手、词曲作家和舞者。)

Classical music is a tougher nut to crack, not only because it has centuries of history behind it, but also because it seems classical music lovers belong to an exclusive club, throwing around terms like partita, singspiel and von Karajan.


(注:Partita,【意】帕蒂塔,意为分隔,17世纪初原指变奏,17世纪末德国作曲家用以称呼组曲,原因不明。Singspiel,【德】歌唱剧,有对白的德国喜歌剧。von Karajan,1908-1989,奥地利指挥家。)

For the classical curious, cutting through the mystique may be a challenge, but we''re here to help. Don''t be that person who says their favourite piece of classical music is Phantom of the Opera. Get to know the following works, and build your classical music foundation.Here are 10 pieces of classical music everyone should know.


Bach: Suite No. 1 in G major for  cello


Everyone should know at least one work by J.S. Bach, considered by many to be the greatest composer in history. The Suite No. 1 for unaccompanied cello is a 15-minute distillation of everything that makes Bach''s music awesome: 


inventive harmonies, mind-blowing counterpoint and — always in Bach — something spiritual. The first movement, Prelude, is well known from its use in film, but all seven movements combine to make a varied, satisfying, even transcendent listening experience.

善于创新的和声、令人兴奋的对位以及——在巴赫的作品中总有一些精神上的东西。 第一乐章,前奏曲,因其在电影的使用而广为人知。但所有七个乐章结合在一起,从而构成了一种形形色色、使人满足乃至是超凡的听觉体验。

 Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67


''Da-da-da-daaaa.'' The opening theme of Beethoven''s Fifth has become a pop culture cliché for ''things just got real.'' (Beethoven''s biographer described it more poetically by saying, ''That''s how destiny knocks at your door.'')But this symphony has more to offer beyond those ominous opening measures. The intensity of the first movement casts a long shadow over the slow second movement, whose sweet lyricism is never allowed to shine for long.

“Da-da-da-daaaa”。贝多芬《第五交响曲》的开头主题已经成为流行文化中一个陈词滥调,因为“事已成真”。(译者注:贝多芬的自传作者将它描述为更具诗意的格言:“那是命运在敲打你的门”。) 但这首交响曲除了带有不详征兆的开头几小节之外,有更多的东西需要表达。第一乐章的强度给速度缓慢的第二乐章蒙上了一层长时间的阴影,因而第二乐章甜美的抒情性绝不被允许持续很长时间。

 The third movement is incredibly tense and leads directly — dramatically — into the fourth movement, which is probably the most heroic music ever written (24:40 in the video below). Make it your soundtrack the next time you run 10 kilometres, hand your term paper in on time, find jeans that fit, don''t have cavities, etc.


Franz Schubert: ''Du bist die Ruh,'' D. 776


Singers and accompanists often say a song recital is the purest form of musical expression. ''Art song offers musical drama without any packaging,'' explains collaborative pianist Erika Switzer. ''It suits the moments in life when you crave raw, unadulterated musical communication. Art song is to opera what Adele is to Madonna: the singer-songwriter of the classical world.''

歌手和伴奏者通常会认为,歌曲的独唱音乐会是音乐表达中最纯洁的形式。“艺术歌曲不需要任何包装便给予了音乐的戏剧效果”,钢琴家协会成员Erika Switzerland解释道:“艺术歌曲满足的是生命中你所渴望的原态的需要,即纯粹的音乐交流。艺术歌曲之于歌剧如同阿黛尔之于麦当娜:古典世界的唱作歌手。”

The classical song repertoire is dominated by German lieder and French mélodies, and one''s enjoyment of the music is definitely enhanced by an understanding of the words.There''s no better place to start than Schubert. He wrote more than 600 lieder and there isn''t a dud among them. 
