阅读理解。 Mr. Bill liked shooting very much but he was never good at it. A month ago some of his friends visitedhim in his house and saw a new target (靶子) w-七年级英语

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      Mr. Bill liked shooting very much but he was never good at it. A month ago some of his friends visited
him in his house and saw a new target (靶子) which Bill had put several days ago in his garden.
      His friends went nearer and looked at this beautiful target. There was a hole (洞) right in the middle of
the target. When they asked who had shot the target, Bill said he had. They all laughed and said, "How far
away were you, Bill? Two feet?" But Bill said he was fifty yards (码) away.
      Then Mr. Bill's wife explained about the hole in the middle. She said, "Bill went to a shop and bought a
very big piece of wood. He brought it home in a car, put it in the garden and shot at it from fifty yards away.
Then he drew a target round the hole and cut the wood."
1. One day some of Bill's friends saw ______ in his garden.

[     ]

A. a very big piece of wood
B. a very nice target
C. a hole
D. a very beautiful picture
2. Why did Bill's friends laugh? Because ______.

[     ]

A. Bill shot the target right in the middle
B. The target was very beautiful
C. Bill shot the target only two feet away
D. They didn't believe that Bill could shoot the target in the middle
3. What did Bill do after he shot at the wood from 50 yards away?

[     ]

A. He drew a target round the hole.
B. He bought it in a car.
C. He put it in the garden.
D. He cut the wood.
4. Bill was ______.

[     ]

A. good at shooting
B. not a good shooter
C. interested in drawing pictures
D. interested in making targets.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-4: BDAB

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