根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Once there were five beggars (乞丐). One was English, one Turkish, one Greek, one was an Arab and onewas Persian. One day they met-九年级英语

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      Once there were five beggars (乞丐). One was English, one Turkish, one Greek, one was an Arab and one
was Persian. One day they met and decided to stay together, sharing what they had and helping each other in
trouble times.
      Soon a man passed them in the street and gave them a coin. They talked about what to do with it. At last
they decided to buy something to eat. 
      "Let's buy some grapes!" said the Englishman. But the Turkish wanted "uzum", the Arab "aneb", the Greek
"stafelea", and the Persian insisted on (坚持) "angur". They did not understand each other's language very well.
Soon they were quarrelling and even fighting.
      While they were fighting about how to spend the money, a stranger came along. He knew all the five
languages. He asked them why they were fighting. After they told him, he said, "Give me your coin. I will buy
what you want."
      He was soon back with a bunch of grapes. Each beggar was happy, as each had what he had wanted. They
all asked for the same thing, but the word for "grapes" is different in different languages.
      If people could understand each other, there would be no need to fight. 
1. Did these beggars speak the same language?
2. What did they decide to do when they met one day?
3. What did a man give them in the street?
4. Why did they quarrel?
5. In fact, all of them wanted to buy grapes, didn't they?
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. No, they didin't.
2. They decided to stay together, sharing what they had and helping each other in trouble times.
3. He gave them a coin.
4. Because they didn't understand each other's language very well.
5. Yes, they did.

据专家权威分析,试题“根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Once there were five beggars (乞..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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