完形填空 Jim Read is talking about his experiences(经历)as a twin: When we were small my mother dressed us1the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn't -九年级英语

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       Jim Read is talking about his experiences(经历)as a twin: When we were small my mother dressed us
  1   the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn't like it.  But when we went on our first camping
trip with the scouts(童子军), it was even    2  .We were only ten years old, and while   3   went into their
sleeping bags for the night, we were not happy to snuggle(紧偎)inside a double-sleeping bag my mother
made for us.
       At school our classmates    4   us Henfield One and Henfield Two, so people couldn't even see our
difference according to our initials(姓名的开头字母)because   5   of us were M.It was only when 1 went
to college and began  to  have my own friends that  I  started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份).       Before l went to college, during my last secondary school    6  , I got a job on a building site(建筑工地).  
My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didn't work. He was resting. One day I said to the foreman(工头),  "Can
I have a week off?" "Certainly," he said, 6'but you won't have the job when you    7    back. "I didn't want
to   8   the job.  So on Monday morning, Mike went down in my jeans, jacket and hat and he worked for
me for one week.  9   of them knew the difference.
       Now I am growing old and I feel very different   10    my twin brother. And he'Il tell you the same.
We have really worked towards that for forty years.
(     )1. A. in      
(     )2. A. bad      
(     )3. A. all boys
(     )4. A. called  
(     )5. A. every    
(     )6. A. holidays
(     )7. A. get      
(     )8. A. loose    
(     )9. A. All      
(     )10. A. in                         
B. for        
B. wors        
B. another boy
B. asked      
B. each        
B. holiday    
B. will get    
B. lost        
B. Nonf        
B. from        
C. on                
C. good              
C. all the other boys
C. cold              
C. both              
C. week              
C. got              
C. missing          
C. Each              
C. with              

D. with                  
D. best                  
D. all the boys          
D. knew                  
D. all                  
D. weekend              
D. are getting          
D. lose                  
D. Both                  
D. as                    
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5 A B C A C     6-10 B A D B B

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