阅读理解 An old man visited a new doctor. The new doctor was very young. "I don't feel well, doctor," the oldman said, "please find out(查明) what's wrong-八年级英语

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     An old man visited a new doctor. The new doctor was very young. "I don't feel well, doctor," the old
man said, "please find out(查明) what's wrong with me."
     "Take off your clothes and lie on the bed," the young doctor said, "I'll examine you."
     He listened to the old man's heart, looked into his throat and examined every part of him. However, he couldn't find anything wrong with the old man. At last he said, "I'm sorry, but I can't find anything wrong
with you. You are as healthy as (和……一样健康) I am."
     "That's very strange, "the old man said,"I really feel bad."
     "Come back tomorrow if you don't feel better," the young doctor said, "I'll examine you again."
     "All right, doctor." the old man said slowly. He stood up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of
the hospital. A few minutes later,a nurse ran in. "Doctor, Doctor!" she cried, "The man who you said was
healthy has just died outside the door."
     The doctor thought quickly and said, "Then turn the body around so that(以便) people will think he
was coming."
1. What's wrong with the old man?
2. How did the new doctor examine the old man?
3. Was the old man as healthy as the doctor?
4. Could the doctor find anything wrong with the old man?
5. If the old man didn't die, do you think he would see that doctor again?
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. He felt bad. / He didn't feel well.
2. He listened to the old man's heart, looked into his throat and examined every part of him.
3. No, he wasn't.
4. No, he couldn't.
5. 略(答案不唯一)

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