阅读理解。 When we talk about intelligence (智力), we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in scho-九年级英语

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     When we talk about intelligence (智力), we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds
of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving (表现),
especially in a new situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of
how much he knows what to do.
     For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation,not about himself or
what might happen to him. He tries to find out all be can,and then he acts immediately and tries to do
something about it. He probably isn't sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And if he cannot make
things work out right, he doesn't feel ashamed (羞愧) that he failed, he just tries to learn from his mistakes.
An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook (看法) on life, a special feeling about life,
and how he fits into it.
     If you look at children, you'll see great difference between what we call "bright" children and "non-bright"
children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of
intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life-he tries to get in touch with
everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world:he seems
to have a wall between him and life in general.
1. According to this passage, intelligence is the ability to ________.
A. get some high scores on some tests
B. do well in school
C. deal with life
D. have a lot of book knowledge
2. In a new situation, an intelligent person ________.
A. knows more about what might happen to him
B. is sure of the result he will get
C. cares more about himself
D. keeps his mind on what to do about the situation
3. If an intelligent person failed, he would ________.
A. try not to feel ashamed
B. learn from his mistakes
C. try to find all he could
D. make sure what result he would get
4. Bright children and non-bright children ________.
A. are two different types of children
B. are different mainly in their degree of cleverness
C. have difference only in their way of thinking
D. have different knowledge about the world
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-4       CDBA

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