阅读理解。 Is there life on Mars? Wedon't know. We're sure thatpeople on the earth are not ableto live on Mars. People needoxygen to breathe. There isalmos-八年级英语

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    Is there life on Mars? Wedon't know. We're sure thatpeople on the earth are not ableto live on Mars. People needoxygen to breathe. There isalmost no oxygen on Mars.    
    Living on Mars would be like living on avery high mountain. There would be little air.The temperature might be 50 degrees abovezero at noon and 140 degrees below zero atnight. Many people think there may be plantson Mars. We know that on Mars there is carbon(碳). This is a kind of material found in allplants and animals on the earth. Through atelescope, Mars looks red. In some places, itseems gray. At times the gray color turnsgray-green, then brown, then gray again. Thegray-green color may be a kind of plant.   
    Will men go to Mars one day? If they do,they must take enough oxygen, food andclothing with them.
(     ) 1. There is enough oxygen for us to live  on Mars.
(     ) 2. It‘ s too hot in the daytime but it’s too cold at night on Mars.
(     ) 3. We can find carbon in all plants and  animals on the earth.
(     ) 4. Sometimes Mars looks blue.
(     ) 5. If one day we can go to Mars, we  must take enough oxygen, food and clothing  with us.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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