阅读下面短文,用括号内动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词,将答案写在文后相应的横线上。 The story happened during the Second World War. A 70-year-old man live-九年级英语

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      The story happened during the Second World War. A 70-year-old man lived in a small town of Germany.
His three sons all worked in the same factory where he   1   (work). After the war had begun, all his
sons   2   (make) to join the army and they all died in the fights.
      The old man was very sad. In the days that   3   (follow), he didn't have enough food and was often
hungry. And nobody helped him and he didn't know how to go on   4   (live). It was becoming colder
and colder.   5   (find) a way out, he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lot of places and
knew a lot.
      Once he came to a village, but the villagers were all poor and couldn't give him anything. He was too hungry
  6   (go) to another village. Suddenly he saw a policeman   7   (stand) in the street and an idea came to his mind.
He then shouted out "Hitler is a pig!"
      As he hoped, the old man was now enjoying some bread and a cup of hot tea   8   (give) by the
policeman, "Don't say so in our village, sir!" the policeman said after a while. "I'm sorry, sir," said the old man,
"I   9   (not say) that again. I didn't know it   10   (be) Hitler's hometown" "No, no, sir," the policeman said in a
hurry, "It's a pig's hometown."
1.                    2.                   3.                     4.                   5.                   
6.                    7.                   8.                     9.                   10.               
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. had worked    2. was made    3. followed    4. living    5. To find
6. to go    7. standing    8. given    9. won't say    10. was

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读下面短文,用括号内动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词,..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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