阅读理解。 Once there was a girl who really hated her name. Her name was Ghagra Geeta Bali. She hoped she could be born again to have a nice name like Rita.On-九年级英语
阅读理解。 |
Once there was a girl who really hated her name. Her name was Ghagra Geeta Bali. She hoped she could be born again to have a nice name like Rita. One Tuesday, Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went shop-ping. There were many children outside a music store. The store had an activity to sell tapes. Everyone who bought a tape had a chance to see the singer of the songs. This singer was a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali liked him, too. To take part in the activity, everyone had to give his or her name. Then a girl would write down the names and pick one to meet the singer. But when her mother asked if she wanted to take part, Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She did not want to say her name in front of so many people. But her mother went up and said, "Please write down my daughter's name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali. There she is..." and she pointed to her daughter. Then everyone turned to look at Ghagra Geeta Bali. At that moment, she wanted to disappear into a hole. However, she received a call from the music store the following week. They told her that she was very lucky. "It is all because of your name," the store owner said. "The singer thought you were such a brave girl and he couldn't wait to meet you. So, get ready for the time of your life, Ghagra Geeta Bali!" |
1. Ghagra Greeta Bali went to ______ with her mother one day. |
[ ] |
A. do some shopping B. make a music tape C. meet children in the store D. meet a singer |
2. The store held an activity to sell ______ that day. |
[ ] |
A. clothes B. school things C. tapes D. cheap food |
3. If a child wanted to meet the singer of the tape, he (she) had to write down his (her) . |
[ ] |
A. address B. name C. telephone number D. school |
4. Ghagra Greeta Bali didn't hope others knew her name because she thought her name sounded ______. |
[ ] |
A. nice B. bad C. beautiful D. wonderful |
5. Ghagra Greeta Bali got a surprise from ______. |
[ ] |
A. her mother B. the singer C. the store D. her teacher |
1-5 ACBBC |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Once there was a girl who really hated her name...”主要考查你对 故事类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
阅读这类材料时,同学们一定要根据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时抓住每一个细节,设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度和意图,根据情节展开想象,即使是碰到深层理解题也可迎刃而解。- 故事类阅读注意:
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上一篇:动词填空。 My aunt is an engineer in America. She (1)________(work) in the Company of Microsoft since 1996. Last month she(2)________(come) back to China. We -九年级英语
下一篇:任务型阅读。 Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may give us something to take.-九年级英语
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