阅读理解 At 7 :40 when Mrs. Fang is at breakfast,there comes a call. Twenty minutes later,she is with Ann,because she cannot stop her baby from crying. There,-八年级英语

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       At 7 :40 when Mrs. Fang is at breakfast,there comes a call. Twenty minutes later,she is with Ann,
because she cannot stop her baby from crying. There,Mrs. Fang helps wash Ann's three-day-old baby and it calms down(平静下来) . It is her first child and she is learning what to do.After that,Mrs. Fang goes on
to see Mr. Johnson,a rich old man who lives alone. His arm was broken and cannot wash or put on his
clothes himself. He must be looked after every day.
      Then Mrs. Fang gets her second call that day. She goes to the home for the old. There she works with the old people till 2:00 pm. One by one,she answers their questions and helps them take their medicine,
while the doctor takes care of other more serious problems.
      Mrs. Fang keeps hurrying around all day and sometimes she can be rung up even late at night when
the sick must be helped. She is busy,but she likes her job and enjoys helping others.
1. Is Mrs. Fang's first call from Ann or Johnson?
2. How does Mrs. Fang help Ann do?
3. Whose arm was broken?
4. What does Mrs. Fang look after the old people?
5. Why does Mrs. Fang like her job?
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. From Ann.
2. one neips Amn wash Ann's baby.
3. Mr. Johnson's.
4. She answers their questions and helps them take their medicine.
5. Because she enjoys helping others.

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