阅读理解。回答问题。 One day, I went to visit my aunt. When I was playing outside with the kids from the neighborhood, I saw a lovely dog. I was very happy and-七年级英语

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     One day, I went to visit my aunt. When I was playing outside with the kids from the neighborhood, I
 saw a lovely dog. I was very happy and tried to catch it. But the dog ran away in the woods (树林). I ran
  after it and forgot my aunt's words -not to go far.
     Finally, I caught the dog. But when I looked around, I noticed that everything around me was dark and
  strange. I felt frightened and a little hungry.
     I walked for a long time, but I still couldn't find my way home. I was very tired and sat under a tree.
 Suddenly, I found that the dog was missing again. At that moment, a policeman appeared (出现) in front
  of me, sitting on a motorbike with the dog. He said the dog took him there and then he drove me back to
  my aunt's house.
     I felt thankful to the dog and gave it some delicious bones. Then I set it free again. Who knows, maybe
  it would help out another little lost boy back to his family. 
1. Who did the writer play with at first?
2. What did the writer's aunt tell him? 
3. What was like in the woods?
4. How did the writer come back to his aunt's home?
5. Did the writer keep the dog at home from then on? 
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1. The kids from his aunt's neighborhood   2. Not to go far. 3. Everything was dark and strange.  
4. By motorbike.  5. No, he didn't.

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。回答问题。 One day, I went to visit my aunt. When..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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