I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper (蝗虫). It is a cold winter's day and an ant is bringing out some grains of corn (谷粒). He gathered-九年级英语

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      I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper (蝗虫). It is a cold winter's day and an ant is
bringing out some grains of corn (谷粒). He gathered (收集)them in the summer. He wants to dry them.
The grasshopper is hungry. He sees the ant and says, "Give me a few grains corn; I am dying of hunger
(饿死). "   
     "But, "says the ant, "what did you do in the summer? Didn't you store up(贮藏)some corn? "    
     "No, "says the grasshopper, "I was too busy. "    
     "What did you do? "asks the ant.     
     "I sang all day, "answers the grasshopper.    
     "If you sang all summer, "says the ant, "you can dance all winter. "
1. The ant dries the grains of corn _______.   
A. in the summer
B. in the winter     
C. on weekdays
D. when he is hungry   
2. The grasshopper is very hungry because he only ________ in the summer.     
A. danced
B. dried the grains     
C. stored up corn
D. sang  
3. The ant gave the grasshopper ________.   
A. some grains of corn
B. something to eat     
C. nothing
D. some rice   
4. The title (题目)of the story may be _______.     
A. The Ant and the Grasshopper     
B. The Ant Sings and Dances     
C. The Busy Ant and the Happy Grasshopper     
D. Store up Some Corn and You'll Be Hungry   
5. From the story we can know ________.     
A. the ant is our good friend     
B. we must think before we do anything     
C. people must help others     
D. we must work hard for a good life
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



据专家权威分析,试题“ I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper (蝗..”主要考查你对  故事类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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