完形填空。 I still remember father spent plenty of time teaching me how to pronounce a word, how to understand something that I saw for the first time and how to-九年级英语

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     I still remember father spent plenty of time teaching me how to pronounce a word, how to understand
something that I saw for the first time and how to be polite to others. And I will never __1__ one sentence
my father used to say to me, "I love you, son. Say you love me, son." __2__, I would scream, "I love you,
     When I was growing up, I found that I had little in __3__ with my father gradually. Sometimes we often
argued about something sharply and then the argument changed into a __4__. I knew there was a gap bet
ween us. I didn't __5__ hearing the words "I love you" from my father the last time. To tell you the truth, I
couldn't honestly remember when I had last said those words to him, either.
     Now father was in hospital. The doctor said it was __6__ and he needed an operation at once, __7__
he wasn't sure whether my father was able to survive (幸免于, 经受得住) it. Everything in my childhood
__8__ in my mind. Then I called and said, "Dad, I love you!"
     There was a __9__ at the other end and he replied coldly, "Well, I love you, too!"
     I cried and said, "Dad, I know you love me, and when you are __10__, I know you will say what you
want to say."
     Fifteen minuets later my mother called and nervously asked, "Paul, is everything OK?"
     A few weeks later I was working when I received my father's call, "Paul, I love you." I was so __11__
that my tears rolled down my cheeks. Perhaps both of us __12__ that this special moment had taken our
relationship to a new level.
     A short while after this special moment, my father finally narrowly escaped death following the heart
operation. I can't __13__ that if I did not take the first __14__ and Dad did not survive the surgery, what
kind of life I would lead now.
(     )1. A. forget
(     )2. A. Actually
(     )3. A. heart   
(     )4. A. fight   
(     )5. A. expect
(     )6. A. risky   
(     )7. A. but   
(     )8. A. put   
(     )9. A. response
(     )10. A. free   
(     )11. A. touched
(     )12. A. required
(     )13. A. conclude
(     )14. A. effect
B. read   
B. Simply   
B. manner     
B. quarrel   
B. think     
B. serious   
B. because     
B. opened     
B. pause   
B. ready     
B. amused     
B. realized
B. infer   
B. step     
C. understand
C. Naturally
C. mind
C. question
C. enjoy
C. important
C. so   
C. kept
C. silence
C. happy
C. encouraged
C. reacted
C. imagine
C. word
D. practice    
D. Strangely  
D. common      
D. discussion  
D. remember    
D. difficult  
D. for        
D. appeared    
D. surprise    
D. convenient  
D. shocked    
D. reported    
D. decide      
D. advice      
题型:完形填空  难度:中档


1-5: ACDBD    6-10: BADCB    11-14: ABCB

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