阅读理解。 There was a pilot and four people traveling in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the machine and the smoke was coming up. "I m-九年级英语

首页 > 考试 > 英语 > 初中英语 > 故事类阅读/2019-11-12 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


     There was a pilot and four people traveling in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with
 the machine and the smoke was coming up.
     "I must go and repair the machine," the pilot said and jumped out with one of the parachutes.
     A fat woman stood up. "I'm a doctor," she said, "I have to live to save the patients' lives." With that
 word she jumped out with another parachute.
     A thin businessman said, "I'm a very clever man! I can make good plans for our country; I can make a
 lot of money; I can..." Without finishing his words, he quickly picked up a pack and jumped out.
     Two men were left behind an old professor and a young mountain climber. Seeing the plane was going
  down fast, the professor said, "Young man, I'm old but you are still young. Please take the last
 parachute." The young mountain climber smiled, "Don't worry, sir. Just now the clever man jumped out
 with my backpack!"
1. There were  _____ people in the plane including the pilot.
    A. five
    B. one
    C. four
    D. six
2. Who thought he was a clever man?
    A. The pilot.
    B. The young mountain climber.
    C. The businessman.
    D. The professor.
3. The businessman jumped out with _____ .
    A. a parachute
    B. the climber's pack
    C. his own parachute
    D. the doctor
4. From the story we know that _____ might lose his life.
    A. the businessman
    B. the professor
    C. the mountain climber
    D. the doctor
5. What is the best title for this story?
    A. A Small Plane
    B. An Accident
    C. Clever or Stupid
    D. Travel by Air
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1—5: ACBAC

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