阅读理解。 Last year I went to an old-fashioned bar with Lisa and her mother. When it was my turn to order, I had a problem. I was dyslexic (诵读困难的). I ha-八年级英语
阅读理解。 |
Last year I went to an old-fashioned bar with Lisa and her mother. When it was my turn to order, I had a problem. I was dyslexic (诵读困难的). I had difficulty reading words. I felt embarrassed (尴尬的) about it and didn't want others to know it. Every time in restaurants I pretended (假装) that I could understand menus and ordered something that almost every restaurant could have. Luckily, I succeeded every time. This time I did as usual. I had a look at the menu and asked for a dish of vanilla ice cream. I thought it was safe. A place like this bar should have this kind of ice cream. But as soon as Lisa heard me, she said, "Didn't you read the menu? There isn't any vanilla ice cream at all." After I heard this, my face turned red. And I had to tell them the truth. "Dyslexia is quite common, Betty. My friend's daughter had this problem four years ago, but she is better now," Lisa's mother said to me. Then she passed me a business card and said, "Go to see this doctor! Believe me! He can help you." I am better now. I understand that sometimes it isn't the thing itself but what we have done that makes us embarrassed. I have learned to face my problems. I won't escape (逃避) from them anymore. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 1. What problem did Betty have when it was her turn to order? A. She couldn't read the words on the menu. B. She thought ice cream in the bar was too expensive. C. She didn't know what kind of ice cream was delicious. D. The menu was written in English, but she wasn't good at it. 2. How did Betty usually order food when she had meals with her friends in restaurants? A. She ordered what she liked. B. She ordered common food. C. She ordered something delicious. D. She ordered cheap food. 3. What did Betty mean by saying "I thought it was safe"? A. She thought vanilla ice cream was cheap. B. She thought the bar would sell vanilla ice cream. C. She thought vanilla ice cream tasted delicious. D. She thought eating vanilla ice cream was good for her health. 4. What did Lisa's mother do when Betty told the truth? A. She criticized Betty. B. She advised Betty to forget her problem. C. She encouraged Betty to go to see a doctor. D. She asked Betty to choose another kind of ice cream. 5. The writer wrote this story to tell us ______. A. not to eat too much ice cream B. not to worry about illness C. to go to see a doctor regularly D. to learn to face problems bravely |
1-5 ABBCD |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Last year I went to an old-fashioned bar with Lis..”主要考查你对 故事类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
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