阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Elephants are interesting animals with large ears, a long trunk, and short legs. They use their legs to stand andwalk. Unlike (不像) l-七年级英语

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    Elephants are interesting animals with large ears, a long trunk, and short legs. They use their legs to stand and
walk. Unlike (不像) lions and tigers, an elephant cannot use its legs to jump or run fast. But elephants do have
something that most animals do not have — a trunk!
    It is difficult for an elephant to bend (弯曲) down to reach food on the ground because of its short, fat legs.
That is why an elephant has a trunk. It uses its trunk to reach food it needs. Without its trunk, an elephant would
be helpless.
    An elephant uses its trunk as a monkey might use its arms and hands. The elephant can scratch (抓) an itch
(痒), pick up a small peanut (坚果) or a piece of popcorn (爆米花), and touch objects with its trunk. An
elephant's trunk can even wrap (裹) around a tree and pull it out of the ground. An elephant's trunk also helps it
drink water. An elephant can drink as much as 50 gallons (加仑) of water into its trunk. Then the elephant
squirts (喷出) the water into its mouth and down its throat (喉咙). An elephant's trunk is very useful!
1. In paragraph 2, helpless means _______.

[     ]

A. without help
B. with help
C. trying to help
D. full of help
2. What is one way that the elephant's trunk is like a monkey's hands?

[     ]

A. Both have fingers (手指).
B. Both squirt water.
C. Both can hold food.
D. Both have fingernails (指甲).
3. This story mostly tells the reader that elephants ________.

[     ]

A. use their short legs to find food
B. are stronger than most animals
C. drink water once a day
D. would be helpless without a trunk
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-3: ACD

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    1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和
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    3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。

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