阅读理解In the old days, the farmers were very poor. They had no money to buy tracitors(拖拉机).Theyhad to make some animals work on the farm .Jack had a donk-八年级英语

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      In the old days, the farmers were very poor. They had no money to buy tracitors(拖拉机).  They
had to make some animals work on the farm .
      Jack had a donkey(驴)  called "Jiajia".  He wanted the donkey to work for him, but the donkey
didn't do as he told it. So he asked his father to take the rope(绳索) that was tied around the neck of the
don- key when it worked. But when Jack wanted the donkey to start, turn right or turn left, he couldn't
call the name of the donkey, because his father was with the donkey. If he called the donkey's name, he
thought it was impolite (不礼貌的). So when he wanted the donkey to turn left, he said, "Father, turn left. "And when he wanted the donkey to turn right, he said,"Father, turn right. ,, A long time later, the donkey
got used to listening to the name "Father" , and forgot his name "Jiajia".
      Later on Jack bought a tractor, and he wanted to sell the donkey. One day, a man came to buy the
donkey. But after the man paid for the donkey, he couldn't pull(拉) it away. He didn't know what to do.
Jack said to him, "You have to call it "Father", if you want to make it go with you. "
1. At first Jack made           work on the farm.         
A. his father                
B. a donkey
C. a tractor                  
D. a man
2. The underlined word "tied" means           in this passage in Chinese.
A. 围绕    
B. 打结    
C. 系;栓  
D. 牵
3. After a long time, the donkey           .         
A. could work as Jack told it
B. liked working on the farm
C. made friend with Jack's father
D. only remembered the name " Father"
4. Jack wanted to sell the donkey because        .        
A. it was too old
B. it was too lazy
C. he bought a tractor
D. he didn't want to call it 6'Father"
5. Which of the following is TRUE?          
A. "Jiajia" is the name of Jack's father.
B. Later on nobody wanted to buy the donkey.
C. In the old days, the farmers only had money to buy donkeys.
D. If someone wanted to pull the donkey away, he had to call it " Father".
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5. BCDCD

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