阅读理解。 Mr Baker worked in a big factory. He was busy all the time and had little time to rest.One summer, he decided to go to the sea to spend his holidays-八年级英语

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    Mr Baker worked in a big factory. He was busy all the time and had little time to rest.
    One summer, he decided to go to the sea to spend his holidays.
    One afternoon, it was very hot. Mr Baker came into a restaurant, sat at a table and wanted to drink.
Just then, an old man came up to him and said, "How do you do, sir?" "How do you do?" Mr Baker asked
the old man to sit next to him. "Have you been here before?" "No, I haven't." "You look lonely, don't you?"
said the old man. "Let's have a bet, shall we?"
    It interested Mr Baker, "But what shall we bet on?" "I can bite my left eyeball," said the old man, "I can
bet you five dollars."
    Mr Baker didn't believe and passed $5 on the table.
    The old man took out his glass eyeball, put it into his mouth and bite it. Mr Baker had to give his money.
    "It doesn't matter young man," the old man said. "I'll give you a chance to win the money back. I can
also bite my right eye. I'll bet you $10."
    "I'm sure he's able to see. And I must win his money," he thought. So he took out ten dollars from his
     But he was very surprised, the old man took out his false (假的) teeth and bit his right eye with it. Then
he put the money into his pocket and went away quickly.
1. Mr Baker went to the sea ______.

[     ]

A. to swim   
B. to have a rest   
C. to drink something   
D. to make a bet
2. The old man said hello to Mr Baker because ______.

[     ]

A. they were good friends
B. he wanted to ask for some food
C. he wanted to drink with him
D. he wanted to win money
3. After the old man knew ______, he began to make a bet with the young man.

[     ]

A. Mr Baker was there for the first time
B. Mr Baker wanted to win the five dollars back
C. Mr Baker knew he had false teeth
D. Mr Baker wasn't clever enough
4. As ______, he bet the old man ten dollars.

[     ]

A. Mr Baker didn't think him blind (瞎的) in both eyes
B. Mr Baker wanted to win the five dollars back
C. Mr Baker knew he had false teeth
D. Mr Baker wanted to help him in another way
5. The old man was blind in ______.

[     ]

A. both eyes  
B. neither eye  
C. the right eye  
D. the left eye
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-5: BDAAD 

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