阅读理解。 Ji Shaowen, a 15-year-old boy, says he can make 10000 yuan a month. Do you believe him? Ji is a Junior2 student in Jinan, Shandong. Last June, he b-九年级英语

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     Ji Shaowen, a 15-year-old boy, says he can make 10000 yuan a month. Do you believe him? Ji is a Junior
2 student in Jinan, Shandong. Last June, he bought a DVD of Jay Chou's movie. On the cover, he saw an Ad.
for opening online stores for free.
     "It caught my eyes and I opened my store at once," Ji said. He began to sell CDs and posters with pop
stars' signatures (签名). He got them from his cousin in Shanghai.
     "Most of my customers are young people," Ji said. "They find my store on the Web and choose things
they like. They mail money to me, then I mail things to them."
     When his business began to make more money, Ji also opened an online antique (古董) store. But it was
not so easy. He first bought some jade (玉) pieces. But they turned out to be fake.
     "It was a problem for me, so I read lots of books about antiques. My e-friends also taught me a lot." Ji
     Now Ji knows a lot about antiques and his business is doing well. Last month, he made almost 10000
yuan from his two stores!
1. What does Ji Shaowen do?
A. He is a teacher.
B. He is a student.
C. He is a businessman.
D. He is a movie star.
2. Where did he get the news to open his stores?
A. From his cousin in Shanghai.
B. From the Internet.
C. From an ad. on the newspaper.
D. From an ad. On the cover of a DVD.
3. What CAN'T we buy in his stores?
A. CDs.
B. Posters with pop stars' signatures.
C. Antiques.
D. Clothes of fashion.
4. What does the underlined word "fake" probably mean in the passage?
A. 假的
B. 昂贵的
C. 稀有的
D. 丢失的
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-4      BDAC

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